Refund Policy

Online products: All online products except those covered by the Limited Refund Policy have a 30-day refund period. If you do not receive your welcome instructions right away, please notify us so that we can make sure you get started well within the 30-day period. If you are not satisfied with your program, a refund may be issued within 30 days of the purchase date. You, the buyer, may request a refund to our client care team by phone, email or through Contact Us page prior to midnight PST of the thirtieth day after the date of purchase. No refunds will be issued after 30 days from purchase.

Limited Refund Policy: All online products that have a completion timeline less than 30 days will have a refund period of 3 Days. You, the buyer, may request a refund to our client care team by phone, email or through Contact Us page prior to midnight PST of the third day after the date of purchase. No refunds will be issued after 3 days from purchase.

The 200% Double Your Investment Guarantee for the Winning The Game of Business VIP Elite, (Excluding the WTGB - Winning the Game of Business VIP Elite Success Advisor Exclusive Offer which has a No Refund policy) is 100% contingent upon, and can only be redeemed if you provide compelling evidence that you diligently applied the action plans provided. In addition, you must have attended at least 80% of the live training calls over the course of your program.
You must have completed and uploaded them to the Winning the Game of Business Community.

  • The full WTGB 3 Part Training Program and completed all the accompanying workbook
  • 7 days of Innercising for each Innercise
  • Watched & Implemented the Copywriting Secrets by Carl Harvey & Build Your Personal Brand by Mark Lack

You must have posted at least 3 times in the private Winning the Game of Business Community asking for support. You must have emailed asking for support at least twice with any specific challenges that you may be experiencing. These are the minimum requirements in order to be issued a refund of any amount at the 12 month mark from the date of purchase of your course.

Revenue Rocket, Accelerated Business In A Box: The “Revenue Rocket” LIVE Workshop with John Assaraf and/or Accelerated Business In A Box is ineligible for refunds.

Innercise App: If the Innercise App was purchased directly from NeuroGym (not from Apple’s App Store or Google Play), there is a refund period of 3 days. You, the buyer, may request a refund to our client care team by email ( or through Contact Us page prior to midnight PST of the third day after the date of purchase. No refunds will be issued after 3 days from purchase.

100 Days to Financial Success 2024: This is a conditional refund: If you are not satisfied with your program, a full refund may be issued within 30 days of the purchase date. A refund is 100% contingent upon providing evidence that you attended each live or on demand training session and completed the homework assigned in your workbook.

The Best 3 Weeks (21 Days) of Your Life Challenge, The Best 2 Weeks (14 Days) of your Life Challenge and/or Exceptional Life Blueprint purchased during the Live Innercise App Event: If you are not satisfied with your program, a refund may be issued within 3 days of the purchase date. You, the buyer, may request a refund to our client care team by email ( or through Contact Us page prior to midnight PST of the third day after the date of purchase. No refunds will be issued after 3 days from purchase.

Success Advisor Exclusive Offer, WTGM Success Advisor Promotion, WTGB Coaching Extension, WTGM Coaching Extension, and 6 Month Mastermind with John Assaraf are ineligible for refunds.

Exceptional Life Coaching Program and Program Subscriptions : If you are not satisfied with your program, a refund may be issued within 30 days of the purchase date minus the current rate for one month of the program.

Livestream & Livestream Replays: No refunds will be issued for these purchases. If you experience bandwidth or streaming issues, replays of live events are always available within 2-3 weeks.

Event Ticket Purchases: If NeuroGym cancels a live, on-site event, NeuroGym will give participants the option of having their money refunded or applying their payment to future events. If the event is cancelled due to events outside of NeuroGym's control, the ticket purchase price may only be applied to either the rescheduled event, or another future event.
If you have any questions regarding this policy, please request more information through our Contact Us page prior to ordering!


Contact. If you have any questions regarding this policy, please contact us through our Contact Us page.