Strengthen Your Mind ®


Still Struggling to Lose Weight & Get into Shape? What if it’s NOT Your BODY Holding You Back What if… It’s Your BRAIN?!

Let me show you rock solid science on how to unlock the secret power of your mind and get in the best shape of your life!

We respect your privacy & will never share your information with a 3rd-party

On This Exclusive On Demand Training You’ll Learn How To...

Finally lose the weight and fat you deserve to lose

Feel like “the old you” again with boundless energy, youthful vigor and vitality!

Regain your self esteem and self-control in every situation

Toss your “fat clothes” to the curb and pull out that sexy outfit you’ve been dying to wear… and more

Set yourself up for a lifetime of health and vitality

Stop Your Sugar, Fat and Compulsive eating once and for all..

In this exciting training you’re going to discover exactly what’s really been holding you back from achieving your weight loss and fitness goals, and how no matter how hard you exercise or how “clean” you eat if you don’t change your brain… you may never see the results you so richly deserve.

This amazing proven brain science will change the way you see your body, your brain and your weight once and for all join me absolutely free – just click the button below and start Winning The Game of Weight Loss!


John Assaraf is one of the leading mindset and behavior experts in the world. He has built 5 multimillion dollar companies, written 2 New York Times Bestselling books, and has been featured in 8 movies, including the blockbuster hit “The Secret” and “Quest For Success” with Richard Branson and the Dalai Lama.

Today, he is founder and CEO of NeuroGym, a company dedicated to using the most advanced technologies and evidence-based brain training methods to help individuals unleash their fullest potential and maximize their results.


We respect your privacy & will never share your information with a 3rd-party

What People Are Saying About This Training

Hear for yourself what people have to say...

"While to each their own, this appears to be truth for me! I have been diligently working on my personal inner world (through dedicating myself to innercising daily and tuning into my emotions throughout the day) which is transforming my outer world! (My diet has been less restrictive and my exercise program less frequent). Yet, still I managed to release 27.4 lbs. since July. My intention was 28 lbs. by my 28th birthday! That day is tomorrow....I am 0.2 lbs away from releasing 35 lbs from my highest recorded weight!"

Alanna A. | PA

“ I need to give credit to our amazing mentor John Assaraf & the entire Neurogym team!... I've been using Winning the Game of Weight Loss & I'm down 42lbs in 13 weeks!!! Can you believe it? My goal is to be 50lbs down by the 26th of this month. Greater fitness for me is about having the ability to live my highest vision. Neurogym trains our mind to excel in every area of our lives. We're so blessed to be on the leading edge of the Innercise revolution!!!!”

Kay R. | CA

"I bought some jeans to wear motorcycling, then lost so much weight they started falling off & I couldn't wear them out of the house, had to give them away! Now I'm looking at underpants I bought over my years of being fat... Donated most of the clothes that were just hanging on my now much leaner shoulders. Looking at beautiful white linen skirts that fall off my hips, thinking about paying for having them altered. This has taken years to accomplish, I'd plateaued when I encountered John Assaraf and NeuroGym, and have resumed shedding that weight! "

Jas K. | MA

Learn To Apply The Latest Brain Based Methods To Train & Reshape Your Body Image From The Inside Out So You Can Achieve Your Biggest Goals And Dreams.

Watch this special on demand event NOW and accelerate your results!